Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government: Students 4 to 14 years and older can learn about our government, how laws are made and elections work, Ben Franklin’s life, and the importance of historical documents; and play related games.
BookFlix: This site pairs high-quality video storybooks with factual eBooks for pre-schoolers, kindergartners and beginning readers. Related games and puzzles reinforce early literacy skills and the read-along feature helps kids practice reading aloud.
Early Learning by World Book: This online version of the World Book Encyclopedia features content organized by topic of interest and relevance to young learners, from Dinosaurs to Tough Trucks, and includes 12 stories in Spanish as well as English. Short bursts of content supports micro-learning, and read-aloud with word-by-word highlighting makes the content accessible to all children as they learn their colors, numbers and more while having fun.