Suggest a Title

Chairs around a meeting room table

  • You can use this form to suggest a new item for our collection. Library staff evaluates suggestions considering many factors including but not limited to availability, critical reviews, intrinsic merit, subject treatment, community interest, popular demand, budget, suitability of physical form for library use, whether the title is already held in another format and contribution to a balanced collection.
  • Please be sure publication date is less than two months in the future. Customers are limited to five submissions at one time.
  • If the suggested item is purchased, you will be notified by email and will need to check the catalog periodically to place your own hold.
  • If the suggested item is not purchased, you will be notified by email explaining the reason. You may choose to request the item through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) if it is older than six months.
  • This service is intended for the use of library customers and is not for solicitations or other commercial purposes.

* = Required Information