Books by Mail is a postage-free delivery service of selected library materials.
Who is eligible?
Loudoun County residents of all ages who are unable to leave home due to a temporary or permanent physical or visual disability.
How do I apply?
Click here to download and fill out the application form (PDF). Applications must be filled out completely and signed by a physician, nurse or social worker who can verify your eligibility.
Once the application is completed, sign and return to any branch or email it to
If you have any questions, please call 703-771-5621 to discuss guidelines and eligibility requirements or email Outreach Services.
How does Books By Mail work?
Once registered, customers can request materials using our online catalog or contacting Outreach staff by phone, email or by including a note with returning items. Our staff can select items based on reading preferences and interests. Materials are delivered to your home in a protective bag through the Postal Service and are returned in the same bag by depositing them in a mailbox.